HPA2 updated tonight for H-CLIC version 1.5.2
HPA2 will be updated tonight to reflect the latest changes to H-CLIC.
The requirements under H-CLIC version 1.5.2 will be deployed overnight on Wednesday, June 30 for all Locata customers.
However, we have had to prioritise this update ahead of other planned changes to HPA2.
We have therefore decided to make the deployments in two stages with the H-CLIC v.1.5.2 changes being the priority deployment and will go first.
The changes that have been delayed are the changes to the following questions to be case elements not client elements, changing the people to be linked to the case not the client.
- Reasons for eligibility for assistance
- Address
- Corr Address
- Telephone Day
- Telephone Work
- Mobile
- Name on Letter
And adding an “Assessment of support needs” task after the “Assessment of circumstance” task.
The MHCLG API delay means that the API upgrade will occur later in the year in a third deployment to be advised.
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